Data – The Future or the Past?
Big Data is all the rage. Is it worth the hype or should this be a warning? Data is actually neutral, it's what we choose to do with it AND how, that merits processing. Data Embeds Bias Bias is a natural phenomenon of the human brain. We do it without intention or...

Engagement – Let’s Expand the 13%
Engagement feels great and yet so few of you join the party. Why is that the case? AND, when might it make sense to stay clear? What are Barriers to Engagement & What's Keeping You From Engaging? Workplaces clearly perform better when the majority of people engage...

Curiosity – Audacious at Its Heart
Curiosity didn't kill the cat. Writing this opening sentence, I'm immediately thinking of Schrodinger's cat! Obscure reference for many I suppose? Get curious by looking it up. Curiosity as a Starting Point You may have already read something I've written or heard me...

Progress Or Movement – What Floats Your Boat?
Is progress your goal or are you just happy when you're experiencing measurable movement? Perhaps this sounds like a trick question! Who doesn't appreciate movement or activity? However, movement without seeing progress is a bit like spinning your wheels. Would you...

The Message IS the Message Received – #SelfAwareness
Understanding the Message Matters When I say "the message is the message received" I'm reminding myself, and you, I guess that when conveying a message you need to take responsibility for how others hear it. Well at least, IF YOU CARE about being understood. That's...

People Before Rules – Insights on How to Live Freely
He, like most dad’s had many flaws and I refuse to forget that or make him a saint, largely because when we shine people up and make them a better version of human, we strip them of their humanity and a lot of their beauty. It seems to me we also rob ourselves of the lessons they taught us and the insights they provoked.

ASK ROX RoundTables – unpacking so you can make your impact
I’m not an easy person AND I know that. I own that. I use that to help others. I’ve also learned as you will hear in my BIG WHY story below, that I will always have a lot to learn – we all do, and will, as long as we live.

Change the Equilibrium: Who’s Afraid?
Updated with more #RRT ideas on November 7th. Who is bearing the burden of fear? As I pondered this I returned to a quote attributed to Margaret Atwood: " “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.” Whose fear is the...

The #GoogleMemo and a guy’s feelings of vulnerability
I know Mr Damore may speak for some, but not all. I know his "thinking" angers many, but not all. I know he is just one person, but so are we all. AND that is what I'm thinking is at the bottom of it all. First of all, I want to share some of the strongest responses...

Thinking to Grow Options
Is black and white, lazy thinking, limiting the potential of your organization, people and ultimately your leadership influence? Innovation starts with what is happening in your individual and collective thinking so laziness in your thinking will sink your ship. Today...