“Black Or White” Thinking is Lazy Thinking!
It shouldn't be difficult, at a time when we are opening ourselves up to the concept of gender fluidity, to explore how to adopt a more fluid thinking approach. Your brain tend to default to the negative, and clearly to "either-or" thinking, so if you build a pathway...

Where Is Your Shadow Leading?
Are you acting out of fear of what may be or about what possibilities excite you? It may start with how you look at and apply the learning from your shadow. In Episode 101 we explore how your shadow contains those aspects of yourself you want hidden or protected. You...

You Belong in the Arena
First of all, we are all connected so when we gather and when we process together we are able to reflect more fully and with a greater balance than we can alone. AND interestingly because we are all connected, each one of us alone is fully creative, resourceful and...

Does Your Learning Curve Have Legs?
A learning curve with legs ensures you are able to act on the pull to achieve more and better outcomes. It may require more effort but it will open up new pathways on your brain and encourage applied innovation. Your shadow influences your behaviour, it may even drive...

It’s Go Time
Are you happy to hear it's Go-Time? If you have been following along my last few posts and related episodes you'll know we are at the fourth stage of the fluid OYM model (see below). It doesn't have to take a lot of time to move through all stages AND you may find...

Ready for Go-Time?
Positional and personal leadership is grounded in presence. Your presence is generated out of your internal state of readiness. You ready?! You may think all these new faces that report up into you are just waiting to see what you will say to inspire and lead them. In...

Seeing around the Corner
Seeing around corners is essentially the focus of episode 096 of ImpactBank's the Kickass Koach podcast. Last week we focused on reflection as a starting place - getting on your mark for success. In my work with clients I use a variety of theories, models, and tools...

095 – What Lesson is Hidden in Your Shadow?
What gold is hidden in your shadow? You likely have an inkling of what is lurking in your personal shadow just as most leaders have a sense of what problem patterns exist in their why do we allow them to fester? It is safer to keep them hiding in the...

A Spotlight on Your Collective Shadow Reveals Opportunities
Put the spotlight on the shadow and simply observe whatever crawls out. While it requires courage to get that spotlight out and shine it into the corners, that is exactly where you will discover opportunities. Opportunities to improve, to innovate, to take your team,...

Authentic Leadership Starts With Self-Awareness
Over my career I've been disappointed by many leaders. Why? Well because many got my attention with their words and then lost me with their follow-through. I have come to believe that authentic leadership, because it comes out of a deep self awareness, can only be...