Relationship: What Are YOU Banking on?
Relationships: a wise investment It was January 13, 2012 when I realized I was ready to give my notice and leave a comfortable executive position. The role wasn't big enough for me, it didn't allow me the space to make the impact I desired. That may sound strange and,...

Getting Set for Success!
What's success? The concept of success has been a struggle for me from an early age. It annoys me when people attach success to winning. Whether, the '72 Canada v. Soviet Union Summit Series (a hockey tournament, in case you wondered) - my first real memory of...

048 – 051 Habits: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
Habits will drive performance - yours and those who report to you SO it it wise for Leaders to BE habitual NOTICE-ERS! At ImpactBank, we exclusively work with Senior Leaders during their first two years in a new assignment – we have a signature system we call ON YOUR...

Leadership Lessons from My Father
Are people born leaders? OR are they nurtured and encouraged by lessons they encounter throughout their life? It likely won't surprise those who know me that I believe it's the second. This week I was a bit distracted by reflections about my father. He died 10 years...

044 – 047 3 P’s For Trans-formative Meetings
Powerful meetings don't just happen. Powerful productive meetings start with the mindset of the Senior Leaders in the organization. At ImpactBank, we exclusively work with Senior Leaders during their first two years in a new assignment - we have a signature system we...

043 – What’s the Impact of Your Aversion to Loss?
Listen to Other Episodes of the Kickass Koach – ImpactBank’s – the Kickass Koach is on i-Tunes AND you can always find the most recent episodes on ImpactBank’s main website page with a link to iTunes to make it easier for you to subscribe. Of course the podcast link...

042 – When the Straw-man Appears
Listen to Other Episodes of the Kickass Koach – ImpactBank’s – the Kickass Koach is on i-Tunes AND you can always find the most recent episodes on ImpactBank’s main website page with a link to iTunes to make it easier for you to subscribe. Of course the podcast link...

Episode #41- Recognizing the Illusion that is Control
Listen to Other Episodes of the Kickass Koach – ImpactBank’s – the Kickass Koach is on i-Tunes AND you can always find the most recent episodes on ImpactBank’s main website page with a link to iTunes to make it easier for you to subscribe. Of course the podcast link...

A Stroke of Impact
It was early hours April 4, 2011 - 5 years ago today - that I woke up to start my weekday morning routine. My first thought as I reached for my sweatpants to get ready to go down to the gym was, "My word, Cohen must have elbowed me yesterday when we were playing...

Episode #40 – Pulled Under by an Anchoring Bias?
Listen to Other Episodes of the Kickass Koach – ImpactBank’s – the Kickass Koach is on i-Tunes AND you can always find the most recent episodes on ImpactBank’s main website page with a link to iTunes to make it easier for you to subscribe. Of...