Feeling Machines Who Think

Feeling Machines Who Think

We are feeling machines. Moreover, feeling is our natural state but unfortunately we erroneously believe we are thinking machines. We first must accept we’re biased. Furthermore, find a means to slow it down when in reaction mode. Ultimately, practice and hone...
Duty is as Duty Loves

Duty is as Duty Loves

Duty is as duty loves. I’ve concluded, duty and love walk side by side; they are deeply connected. Love without duty is empty and duty with out love is pompous. An authentic life is one wherein we demonstrate our values by standing firmly for those values...
Can Do Attitude like #RBG

Can Do Attitude like #RBG

We can do anything but not necessarily everything. Prioritizing well and valuing all contributions is a good start. To get where we need and want to be, collectively, we must start welcoming and valuing the contributions of everyone. Getting the outcomes we seek means...
Meeting the Moment Requires Resources

Meeting the Moment Requires Resources

Meeting the Moment with the necessary resources. If not, be prepared to say “NO, not yet”. Resource building is our collective responsibility. “The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.”    – John F. Kennedy The 2020 theme of...
Together We Move

Together We Move

Together we move forward. In fact, the strength in anyone of us comes from every other one of us. “My passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility has always contrasted oddly with my pronounced lack of need for direct contact with other human...
Scratch Beneath the Surface

Scratch Beneath the Surface

Scratch beneath the surface. Pay attention to the feelings you’re experiencing. When a pattern persists refuse to bury it & find the way into it, to discover the lesson it offers. I can’t get all caught up in what I’ve done. I still have plenty...