Your Reflection Reveals Plenty

Your Reflection Reveals Plenty

What are your reflections revealing? Are you taking enough time to reflect? Additionally, are you reviewing the game tape? In the final assessment, are you fully examining your moves and your misses? Interested in more of the benefits that reflection offers? Check out...
What’s Your Signature Story?

What’s Your Signature Story?

We all love story. How often are you mining your story for gold? Your stories are filled with little nuggets that’re shimmering with lessons and insights. This week my theme is story AND my newsletter and podcast are taking very different approaches. The podcast...
Connecting – the Power of Presence

Connecting – the Power of Presence

Connecting is part of the human DNA. Perhaps it’s more aptly described as oxygen in our blood; we NEED it to survive. From the womb you’ve needed to be and feel connected to another. THAT never changes. Here’s an interesting twist: you’ve...
Feelings: Giving or Taking Ownership

Feelings: Giving or Taking Ownership

Feelings….nothing more than feelings…. A song from the 70’s!! That dates me, right? Oh well! I can’t get it out of my mind now so we’ll see how it informs this week’s post. The theme this week is feelings: how to own your own...