Episode #39 – Suffering with a Confirmation Bias?
Listen to Other Episodes of the Kickass Koach - ImpactBank's - the Kickass Koach is on i-Tunes AND you can always find the most recent episodes on ImpactBank's main website page with a link to iTunes to make it easier for you to subscribe. Of...

Episode 38 – Is Your Bias Showing?
Bias is an unconscious driver that influence how we see the world. Bias makes up the invisible air we walk thought, influencing how we see the world and judge others. Listen to this and other episodes ImpactBank’s The Kickass Koach podcast...

Ep# 37: Diversity III – The Interpersonal Dividends
Listen to this and other episodes ImpactBank’s The Kickass Koach podcast supports emerging senior leaders in the non-profit sector who want to quickly master the art and practice of leadership. When you were promoted into a senior position, if...

Happy International Women’s Day: The Sisterhood
Women are mysterious and our relationships with each other are equally so. Maybe it's partly because it is more complex to be a woman in a man's world. Maybe, in part, because we make up approximately 50% of every group or minority you can name making us the biggest...

Ep# 36: Diversity – Struggling to identify the SOBs?
Listen to this and other episodes ImpactBank’s The Kickass Koach podcast supports emerging senior leaders who want to quickly master the art and practice of leadership. When you were promoted into a senior position, if you’re like most people, you...

Episode #35 – Diversity-Thinking starts with the SOB
Listen to this and other episodes ImpactBank's The Kickass Koach podcast supports emerging senior leaders who want to quickly master the art and practice of leadership. When you were promoted into a senior position, if you're like most leaders you...

Episode #34 – Mastering Leadership VII – Open & Conscientious
A Case for Balance At one point in my career I served in the telecommunications sector as an internal performance consultant. I had a team of people reporting to me in support of learning and development initiatives, performance quality and analysis, and program...

Episode #33: Mastering Leadership IV – Exude Confidence or Garner Trust
A Case for Balance Have you ever been told you are overly confident? Maybe your self assured and grounded presence helped you land the career opportunity of a life time! In my experience, it's one thing to land the position, it's an entirely different set of skills...
Episode #32: Mastering Leadership V – The Bold and the Considerate!
A Case for Balance Have you ever been told you overwhelmed people? Your energy or focus on a task or goal 'put people off"? Maybe you were thinking about the employees or customers who would ultimately be affected if you didn't deliver. The most dramatic moment in my...
Episode #31: Mastering Leadership IV – Purposefully Compelling
A Case for Balance Have you ever been drawn in by a compelling vision? It was so exciting you couldn't look away and you had to be part of it? What happens when the compelling leader loses focus and you find yourself and the project adrift? I've been on both sides of...