Messy or Empty: A False Choice?

Messy or Empty: A False Choice?

Messy or Empty? It’s a false choice. Stop judging the mess, dive in to find the unbalanced emotions or thinking crying out from the mess. By recognizing the underlying message, learning and growth will emerged.. “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a...
Flow Disrupted Informs

Flow Disrupted Informs

Flow disrupted informs our capacity to problem solve and adapt while navigating the course of our life and career effectively. Flow is a source of creative energy, when we learn how to harness it. On the other hand, flow can be destructive, generating loss, when we...
Pick a Lane

Pick a Lane

Pick a lane and try not to swerve. In uncertain times, making wise choices is more difficult than ever. It is a perfect time to practice empathy and self-compassion. Taking stock on what our role requires of us and being aware of who is filling complimentary positions...
Attention is Love

Attention is Love

Attention is Love. Our choices and attention reveal what we love. No declaration of love will ever do that fully or meaningfully.  What we love and value is clearly articulated by what we do. During times of chaos, exploring this will help clear the path to get to...
Chances Are, THIS too shall pass

Chances Are, THIS too shall pass

Chances are, this too shall pass. What’s the chance we’ll make the world and our collective lives better as a result of this crisis? In uncertain times, making wise choices is more difficult than ever. To take full and thoughtful advantage of a crisis,...