Edge of Learning. It’s on the edge, before taking the leap, when we benefit most from observing, processing and preparing for the leap we want to take.

Walk with me to the learning edge. We’ll build the plan to take the leap with the process that creates the skills necessary upon arrival.

“Gritty people train at the edge of their comfort zone. They zero in on one narrow aspect of their performance and set a stretch goal to improve it.” – Angela Duckworth

The 2020 theme of identity continues. Recognizing when we are on our learning edge and where to focus our time and energy when we are there reflects our identity while also informing it.

In the Kickass Koach podcast episode dropped Monday, I once again acknowledge the source coming from a sports story. At the time I had no idea that seasons would be suspended before the week ended. The analogy that inspired my thinking is the preparation needed to respond effectively when playing the hot corner in baseball.

For the newsletter, I find myself reflecting on learning to drive. Recognizing the significance of using every mirror and remembering, when the pressure is on, to look in the direction where you want to go.

In the weekly Instagram and LinkedIn video, I shift from referring to the learning edge as the place from which we pounce when opportunities are revealed to how we lean on what is learned in a crisis such as COVID-19.

Finally, in this post I’m exploring the purpose and benefit of learning to value the time we get to spend on the learning edge.



Resetting on the Learning Edge

We may find our self on the learning edge because of a change imposed on us or because of unrest we feel within. Regardless, when we accept the challenge, it’s a lovely time to take stock, clear our minds, and examine our options.
Below I do my best to define the edge. I examine when makes it so uncomfortable and three areas deserving our attention when we are there.
The Learning Edge

Typically the learning edge is defined as that place when we are consciously incompetent in some area. Additionally, we are building the strengths, skills and insights needed to move our self into conscious competence. There may be times when we’ve been highly skilled in an area but we lose our edge because of shifts around us. It may be difficult to call our self incompetent. Just the same, getting back on that edge and sharpening our skills is critical at this time.

When we fail to notice that we need to expand our capacity, we get stuck in a space called unconscious incompetence. Unfortunately there are many people who are stuck there. It is the most dangerous place for one to be if they want to grow their career.

The Learning Edge is Uncomfortable
Opening our self up to learning is uncomfortable. It is vulnerable even. Building a tough enough skin to undergo the grueling work of continuously learning is difficult enough. Additionally, we must be open to welcome the lessons. That is a difficult combination. As I say, at least once to almost every client, “if you want to grow your career opportunities, get comfortable, being uncomfortable.”
The great news is that we can mitigate the overwhelming feelings that arise when we are uncomfortable. When we first accept it is both difficult and prudent to be on the edge, we accept the pain more readily and move through it effectively.
It is always wise to build up a repertoire of experiences to remind us of what it feels like to get to the other side. I have a big list now that I’m in my 50’s so resilience and tenacity are more easily activated. Interestingly I now make a choice early about whether the expected benefits outweigh struggle. There are times when I realize early that they are not. I wish I had this trick in my tool kit when I was younger. It turns out when we make the choice to experience the pain, it is much easier to manage it with the ultimate reward in mind.
Focusing the Learning Edge

When we are on the learning edge we must choose where to put our focus. In my work with Millennial’s who are in the early to middle of their career, I’ve identified a series of learning edge categories and models to support their growth. With each client I bring these forward as the situation dictates. Below I describe three common areas of focus that are transferable throughout our life.

Character Strengths make for a great focus when on the learning edge.

Knowing our character strengths helps us apply them to support our preparation and growth while on the edge. For example I will support a client who presents with more clarity strengths (perspective, focus, trust) differently than one who presents with structural strengths (diligence, integrity, boldness). Each of us benefit from a different mix of strengths. Appreciating how to apply them effectively before we leap helps us perform at our best when we get there.

Values serve as foundation to frame and time the leap from the learning edge.

Our values are often taken for granted. In other words, we believe they are shared by others when, in fact we rarely know exactly what they are. The learning edge is a place where we dig into them so we are prepared to notice when those values are respected and when they are trampled. It isn’t enough to take the leap into the future we want without knowing what can sabotage us and preparing the navigate it. A difference in values is the biggest one I’ve encountered over my career.

Habits & Patterns  to be inventoried while on the learning edge.

An inventory of our values and strengths is a great place to start when preparing for crisis or to make the most of an opportunity. During this COVID-19 crisis I have become very aware of my habit for touching my face. In all the public healthy lessons of the past I have never noticed this in myself. In fact I realize this is more than a habit, it has become a pattern. I am on a mission to change this, not just for the time of this crisis but on going.

We must know our habits and patterns to have the ability to decide which must be curbed. Spending time while on the learning edge to better know the habits and patterns we want to continue or even expand and which we need to eradicate is a significant step toward reaching the place we want to be and becoming the person we want to be when we get there.


Choosing to Stay on the Learning Edge  

We have a choice to move quickly back to solid ground when possible or to intentionally incorporate a learning edge as a consistent element of our life. As I say earlier, it is not a comfortable place to be. A few of my clients when challenged to consider this option have developed a process whereby they intentionally move to the learning edge periodically. Some have chosen a schedule and one decided to trigger the edge with certain circumstances. It has been fascinating to watch and particularly to observe when people consistently apply their plan and when they abandon it. By the way, those who abandoned their plan, eventually created a new one when they realized the negative impact.

To be clear, the impact of resisting the edge is reduced or even weak performance. Anyone who contracts with someone like me tends to find reduced performance a deal breaker.

Before we realize the success we know is available to us, we benefit from getting comfortable perched on the ledge: the edge of learning.

Life is one big Experiment

The underlying point, again this week, emphasizes the benefit of approaching life as an experiment. Moreover, when we welcome time on the learning edge we embrace the lessons offered more fully. Furthermore, we may then more closely monitor how our choices, decisions and ability to adjust our actions to our current situation. Then, we may influence how things unfold.

There’s a difference between wanting something and making something happen. With the mindset necessary to perform under pressure we are able to influence results more deeply. This mindset that relies on clarity, curiosity and a resilient spirit we accept no excuses, only results. Furthermore, it’s essential we have a system to evaluate the risk of any action, removing the very human emotions that cloud our judgment.

Walk with me. Together let’s examine options consciously and authentically to make choices that move us strategically toward where we want to be. Strategy is a about choices. Execution on these choices requires masterful performance. Furthermore, a well developed process allows us to enjoy the journey far more fully.


Be part of the journey in 2020.

Start by subscribing to my mailing list . Subscribers receive:

  1. My interactive exercise to begin reducing the impacts of stress and feelings of overwhelm will be sent.
  2. My newsletter with the related podcast episode will be sent weekly.
  3. Special offers will be available to subscribers monthly including: a random offer of a complimentary one hour coaching conversation, access to roundtable engagements and group coaching on identity and related subjects, as well as information on an initiative on which I’m collaborating: #FeMasCon.

The Learning Edge is the calling of Bank Your Impact (BYI)

The learning edge is the purpose or calling of the BYI system. The capacity to see when learning is necessary to move forward productively is at the heart of BYI. The system helps participants identify options, make wise choices and commit to influencing desired outcomes. It takes a systematic and experiential approach to influence the outcomes we produce. Moreover, becoming aware of who we are being and how it produces the results in our life is a consequence of the choices we made and how we execute on those choices. Ultimately, creating the life we want starts with the  actions we choose to take.

Furthermore, to get what we truly want in life, we need to be willing to persist, seek help, and continually look for transferable learning opportunities. Additionally, we need to be willing to question our choices and expand our options through healthy curiosity and a search for unique perspectives. Moreover, identifying and nurturing our identity is the place to start.

A healthy meaningful and full life is made possible with clarity about our values, beliefs, patterns and habits. Additionally, our quality of life is influenced and shaped by our unique blend of strengths and inclinations. Undoubtedly, a growth mindset and open-minded approach are foundations to sustaining this healthy sense of self.


The System

The Bank Your Impact (BYI) System is about both developing and embedding self-awareness. Furthermore, the benefits of expanded resilience, connections built on understanding the impact of belonging and an ability to bolster a professional and authentic presence are foundational. Perhaps more than the other two, developing a foundational resilience is critical to with standing that which moves us into burnout.

The current system incorporates 1:1 coaching, roundtable conversations; eventually I’ll add a neuro-social learning experience (currently only available in organizational contracts but will be added to the system for individual engagement in 2021).

My approach is based on the ICF (International Coaching Federation) standards. I’m meeting you (my clients) where you are, both as the coaching agreement begins, and in the moment that exists at the time of each conversation. Progress or growth is not a straight line. The ICA model is the framework for every conversation: Issue/Insight, Choice/Commitment, Action/Accountability. Over the past year I’ve been tightening the model to meet the needs of my clients.

Holding space to support my clients in:
  • Developing meaningful insights
  • Expanding/deepening perspective on those insights
  • Building/designing a practice to try on new ways of being/seeing OR experiment for discovery
  • Assessing progress, becoming agile in transfer of learning and application before developing additional insights
An organic experience

The experience is tailored around what you bring to each conversation, in my experience, there are common themes that arise including: self-awareness, mindfulness, mindset, communication, connections, and attitude. Self-awareness stands alone but is also a foundational theme. I have registered upwards of 40 sub-concepts that fit under each of these categories. Furthermore, I bring tools, skills and techniques to respond and guide our work together, informed by positive psychology, neuroscience, and management/leadership research.

Walk With Me, to Where You Want to Be


In all my blog posts in 2019, you will find this section outlines what brought me to this area of focus: supporting people in the early to middle part of their career as a #performance #coach.

You can read more about my work and my in the About Me section of the website and below is a recording of my #bigwhystory:


Feel like you’re living someone else’s destiny?



If that’s working for you, great. If it isn’t or it starts to be a problem, reach out. I welcome a conversation.


Willing to do the work to find more meaning?


With the skills to unpack the emotions and barriers and triggers and mindset challenges with the skills in my BYI system, participants begin to see the impact in their career and finally begin to discover what matters most to them. The bonus: they begin to see a path to get there. Join me…


My system is intended to be meaningful, relevant, accessible and affordable. With that in mind, there are many ways to engage with me. Below are TWO ways to start, without spending a dime.



Walk with Me!


  • BOOK a complimentary exploratory 1:1 conversation 20-30 minutes.
  • SUBSCRIBE to my mailing list. You’ll receive an interactive exercise that you may use to reduce and manage stress or feelings of overwhelm. PLUS each week you’ll receive my podcast and reflections in your inbox AND you’ll be invited to monthly webinars and roundtable conversations.

In closing, I love bringing learning experiences to workplaces that are interested in raising their performance and encouraging their people.

  • Book me to speak at your conference or to a group in your organization. My workshops on building resilience, improving workplace outcomes through relationships, and increasing performance are big hits! In 2020 I’ve added a few workshops on gender engagement – how, by knocking off the boxes that limit us by gender we all find our capacity expands.