One % is good.
It may even be great because it’s sustainable.
Change, growth, even progress may be the goal. The means of achieving this goal may vary. Regardless, it will require patience and steadfast commitment to excellence along with an ever-expanding series of one small step after another.

In the Kickass Koach podcast episode dropped Monday, I open with a reflection on how, as an A-type personality I had to learn to see the value in taking my time with the things that matter and still engage a sense of urgency when warranted.

For the newsletter I share a common story from one of my long-time clients who contracted me initially because she wanted guidance to leave a lucrative job, only to realize the line-of-inquiry would not be without challenges. She came to realize that slowing the process and taking the time to dig deeper, ensured there was learning at the other end.

In the weekly Instagram and LinkedIn videos I emphasize the significance of taking the slow and steady, incremental approach, to ensure wisdom and learning is gained as an element of any action.

Finally in this post I examine how every step of our life and career is a negotiation. By slowing it down to see all the moving pieces we are more likely to arrive there in better shape and with healthier outcomes than we would otherwise.


One % is Good – It’s Achievable and Sustainable

One % doesn’t seem like much. It adds up though, over time. With consistent and sustainable progress it is amazing how much will be accomplished.

Resilience and clarity grows with each little incremental step. When a small goal is achievable we stay focused and determined. Each success leads to learning and encourages a willingness to take more thoughtful and appropriate risks.

Smaller steps are more sustainable as well. This ensures our commitment persists and our energy expands. The step by step approach doesn’t slow us down it ultimately makes us more attentive to the present moment and therefore attuned to the impact each step is making on whole.

Achievable steps and sustainable movement creates momentum and attracts energy and support.

A  story…

Have you followed the NAFTA drama of the past two or three years? The U.S. President threatened to formalize notice of leaving the decades-old free trade agreement to force all three parties to the agreement to the table. It wasn’t exactly a diplomatic move. The negotiations didn’t see “normal” either. The current U.S. president has clarified and exemplified Bruce Cockburn’s lyric, “the trouble with normal is it always gets worse”.

It has been an interesting two plus years, watching the proceedings and particularly now Minister Chrystia Freeland is navigating the drama. From the beginning it appeared to be an experiment to see how the president and his staff of merry men would approach it and what tactics would be required from Team Canada. As an distant observer I found it fascinating to see how domestic opposition navigated as well.

There was wide spread panic from the public and business community. The uncertainty created was bad for business and fodder for political foes of the current government. I am not sure if it was driven by expediency or a lack of understanding of how to negotiate or manage a position. Often it appeared as though our fear was making some lose all reasonable judgment. NOT the minister in charge though, to her credit and our benefit. Even when mocked as a woman and excluded as a bargaining tactic, she didn’t lose focus. One step at a time.

One % is Good – It Allows for Transferable Learning 

When we resist the urge to panic and instead stay the course and take our time, we are more likely to see a clear finish line. When we see the finish line we are better able to see our way to reaching it.

One % is good because incremental gains provide the space to adjust course and avoid pitfalls that could blur the desired outcome or even the clearest and more effective path to achieve it.

With time and a clear mind, lessons are more obvious. With a clear perspective, these lessons are more easily transferable and therefore more easily applied in future steps along the way. THIS is essential to building a career and a life that progresses effectively over a sustainable period. Moreover, this is how success is ultimately achieved.

Story continued…

This past week we watched as a few provisions in the new-NAFTA were reworked and the agreement was re-signed about a year after it was originally completed. There have been interesting reactions in Canadian parliament and from various stakeholders.

I’ll admit there were times I was annoyed with what initially appeared to be unwarranted concessions on the part of our negotiation team. I wasn’t at the table, of course, so I was an armchair critic ONLY. I’m not a member of the press or parliament so thankfully I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t even argue this with friends as I normally would because I just wasn’t confident about my observations.

I was annoyed at recent assessments questioning how Canada, since we are considering a national pharma-care program, would be stupid enough to allow the drug patent changes to go through. My annoyance grew because I agreed with that criticism and didn’t see the bigger picture.

With patience and perspective our negotiation team seems to have used their resources wisely. The NDP leader, who I’ve met and like, has railed about how our team let the Democrats in the U.S. fight for us. Isn’t that wise strategy. By signing the agreement in 2018, rather than making the situation worse, our team was able to credibly move forward and support the ratification in the U.S. by engaging meaningfully with Congress. It isn’t completed yet but I think

One % is good for personal growth – the goal of Bank Your Impact (BYI)

My work is all about incremental and meaningful improvement. Making changes, creating growth and be progressive is about movement. Continuous and transferable learning is necessary. To get what we truly want in life we need to be willing to seek help and take risks. We also need to be willing to question our choices and expand our options through healthy curiosity and a search for unique perspectives.

A healthy meaningful and full life is made possible with clarity about our values, beliefs, patterns and habits. Additionally, our quality of life is influenced and shaped by our unique blend of strengths and inclinations. Furthermore, a growth mindset and open-minded approach are foundations to sustaining this healthy sense of self.


The System

The Bank Your Impact (BYI) System is about both developing and embedding self-awareness. Furthermore, the benefits of expanded resilience, connections built on understanding the impact of belonging and an ability to bolster a professional and authentic presence are foundational. Perhaps more than the other two, developing a foundational resilience is critical to with standing that which moves us into burnout.

The current system incorporates 1:1 coaching, roundtable conversations; eventually I’ll add a neuro-social learning experience (currently only available in organizational contracts but will be added to the system for individual engagement in 2021).

My approach is based on the ICF (International Coaching Federation) standards. I’m meeting you (my clients) where you are, both as the coaching agreement begins, and in the moment that exists at the time of each conversation. Progress or growth is not a straight line. The ICA model is the framework for every conversation: Issue/Insight, Choice/Commitment, Action/Accountability. Over the past year I’ve been tightening the model to meet the needs of my clients.

Holding space to support my clients in:
  • Developing meaningful insights
  • Expanding/deepening perspective on those insights
  • Building/designing a practice to try on new ways of being/seeing OR experiment for discovery
  • Assessing progress, becoming agile in transfer of learning and application before developing additional insights
An organic experience

The experience is tailored around what you bring to each conversation, in my experience, there are common themes that arise including: self-awareness, mindfulness, mindset, communication, connections, and attitude. Self-awareness stands alone but is also a foundational theme. I have registered upwards of 40 sub-concepts that fit under each of these categories. Furthermore, I bring tools, skills and techniques to respond and guide our work together, informed by positive psychology, neuroscience, and management/leadership research.

Walk With Me, to Where You Want to Be


In April 2018, I was struck by, what felt like, a call of purpose; an insight of sorts. It inspired me to shift the focus of my practice. I’m now  walking with 30 somethings. People who are at a pivotal spot in life and career. Whether THERE by age or spirit, I want to walk with people at this place in their life. This is a time in life when we are natural SEEKERS. We’re ready to do some self exploration & find the real meaning of our life? It is also a time when we are more likely to get stuck and make poor choices.

The research suggests people embrace their inner REBEL during their 20’s (the most rebellious after the toddler days in fact). If you are passive in your 20’s you will want to get curious about that too! Most of us slip quietly and comfortably though into ACCOMMODATOR in our 30’s. This documented pattern grabbed my attention and my mission was made clear. Moreover, I’m intent on resurfacing, or igniting, that inner rebel, whose perspective, now shaped with more experience, may offer insights many typically miss when insight and awareness matter most.


In June 2018 I took a course in story telling. I was intent on finding my “Big Why” to help me understand my purpose for shifting my practice. Ultimately, I landed on my story. It spans from my childhood, with a pivotal point in my early 20’s finally culminating in a significant career turning-point at the age of 37. This story revealed an unhealthy pattern while illuminating my new purpose. In fact, I feel motivated when remembering the moment of insight because this transition is difficult. Ultimately though, it adds meaning to my work. Listen below…

Feel like you’re living someone else’s destiny?



If that’s working for you, great. If it isn’t or it starts to be a problem, reach out. I welcome a conversation.


Willing to do the work to find more meaning?


With the skills to unpack the emotions and barriers and triggers and mindset challenges with the skills in my BYI system, participants begin to see the impact in their career and finally begin to discover what matters most to them. The bonus: they begin to see a path to get there. Join me…


My system is intended to be meaningful, relevant, accessible and affordable. With that in mind, there are many ways to engage with me. Below find THREE ways to get started, without spending a dime.



Walk with Me!


  • REGISTERfor an ASK ROX RoundTable… TWO LIVE  50 minute engagements available at your desk or phone – the second Tuesday and the last Friday of every month – limited to 12 participants in each and FREE in 2019.
  • BOOK a complimentary exploratory 1:1 conversation 20-30 minutes.
  • SUBSCRIBE to my mailing list from my home page, receive an interactive exercise helping you cope with stress, and a weekly reflection.

In closing, I’d love to bring my work to your team or workplace, so:

  • Book me to speak at your conference or to a group in your organization. My workshops on building resilience, improving workplace outcomes through relationships, and increasing performance are big hits!8