Turn of the Wheel – by living a fully engaged life, allowing for all the rich feelings and experiences, we endure and embrace every turn for rich lessons.
It is essential we learn to endure and embrace the entire turn of the wheel. It’s the greatest gift, especially when we realize we don’t need to pretend to be someone we’re not or capitulate to the soft expectations of the masses to gain the riches of the entire sphere.

In the Kickass Koach podcast episode dropped Monday, I reflect on a recent call with a life-long friend whose perspective and shared experience put any current anxiety or pain into context, reminding me how cyclical life is and the importance of embracing the gift at every turn of the wheel.

For the newsletter I strangely recount a rare scene I remember from Game of Thrones and the significance of seeing our place on the wheel of life and how it is constant, regardless of whether we are part of it or not.

In the weekly Instagram and LinkedIn videos I reflect on how we confuse what is with what ought to be. This mistaken thinking leads us to forget that the wonderful or the terrible moments of our life will pass.

Finally in this post I examine how life is a series of experiences, some high and wonderful and some low and very difficult. Embracing the full experience is a heroic approach to living.


Turn of the Wheel – Experience is Golden

Experience is golden. The alternative is not to live at all. As I write this I think of the friend who died in her early 20’s and my own devastating diagnosis at 25 years old. All the highs and lows I would have missed. I choose life. I suspect every reader does as well.

Life’s lessons aren’t simply available simply in the fact we’re alive. The learning starts with a willingness to embrace all aspects of experience. When we mistakenly crave only the highs, we forget that they are only possible with the lows. If we forget to look at all aspects of our experience and seek new frames of reference, we limit the impact of the possibilities. The lessons we learn AND the contrast they provide.

Remembering the greatest joys for a second will remind us that they are mountain top experiences that we worked hard to achieve. The hard work pulled us out of a reality we sought to change. Finally, whether it was a career that grew into something of value or a relationship that took us to new heights of connection or meaning, we had to over come to truly feel the joy of the high.

A  story…

The wheels of life are always turning. Our position and influence and contribution is always changing as a result. the trick is to remain open to where our value is most clear.

My parents retired to a condo after my dad had a serious hemorrhagic stroke at age 64, almost 2 years after he’d formally retired. This upended my mom’s life in ways that exceeded the impact of the dramatic change on my dad. One question I asked myself was whether her world would grow smaller as she cared for my dad, lost her huge garden and yard and her beloved community.

As I’d witnessed in previous transitions, she embraced the wheels that kept turning in her life. Being her husband’s care-taker and partner was more burdensome, no doubt. She enthusiastically made new friends, got involved on the condo board and welcomed the many invitations to engage in a new community.  I mentioned to her that I was sharing this story. She happily regaled me with stories of the many activities that filled her time and new supports that presented to help navigate the new challenges.

She also reminded me  she was able to use experience she had gained much earlier in her life, making her feel young while lifting her energy to new heights. I recall going out to celebrate her 65th birthday and being amazed at how much younger she behaved and even appeared than she had four years earlier when the new life was thrust upon her.


Turn of the Wheel – the Organic Nature 

The turn of the wheel is organic. We may think we can control it and of course we are free to make choices as are others. Moreover, the choices of others ultimately influence the results of our own. We are all connected. This is the beauty of the wheel. Our connection is what keeps the wheel moving, ensuring we have the opportunity to make everything that is stuck in the dark, return to the light.

We’ve all heard the message, “it is darkest before the dawn”. The sun does come around again and yet it is the one thing in the entire universe that remains largely static. Everything else is turning and moving to ensure what is dark eventually benefits from light. We all will do well to remember this when all appears to be lost. Moreover, it is equally as important to remember when all is going perfectly.


Story continued…

My mother has referred to her life of transitions organic. Change thrusts itself on us, welcoming us to adjust and learn as a result. The transition mentioned earlier was very difficult. None of us can even imagine what it must have been like to have her life partner is suddenly dependent on her. She had to make every decision for them as a couple and for each of them as individuals. I recall observing the struggle it was as I supported her in completing the paperwork to be granted full guardianship. She was horrified, initially, with the prospect of making decisions on behalf of this proud and independent man. I also recall how she worked so hard to make him feel his own independence even as it scared her.

Life experience and a willingness to take it one decision and one experience at a time she allowed the wheel to turn and bring the difficult and the poignant moments to fuel and support her. She accepted more help than every before. There were unique challenges that presented themselves outside of her own experience, that offered perspective and new learning. At one point she had the privilege and honour to chair and help launch an entire Senior’s learning program at University of Saskatchewan.

My mom could have chosen to hibernate and feel sorry for herself enjoying the fruits of her joint labour with my dad. Instead she embraced the challenges along with the sadness of loss. Additionally, she welcomed the new opportunities that came her way in her new role as advocate and guardian.

The turn of the wheel is constant and what it brings us is there to be discovered for all its richness.



Turn of the Wheel – embedded in Bank Your Impact (BYI)

The turn of the wheel is inherent in my BYI system as it is the nature and therefore foundational to developing a deep self-awareness. To get what we truly want in life we need to be willing to seek help and take risks. We also need to be willing to question our choices and expand our options through healthy curiosity and a search for unique perspectives.

A healthy meaningful and full life is made possible with clarity about our values, beliefs, patterns and habits. Additionally, our quality of life is influenced and shaped by our unique blend of strengths and inclinations. Furthermore, a growth mindset and open-minded approach are foundations to sustaining this healthy sense of self.


The System

The Bank Your Impact (BYI) System is about both developing and embedding self-awareness. Furthermore, the benefits of expanded resilience, connections built on understanding the impact of belonging and an ability to bolster a professional and authentic presence are foundational. Perhaps more than the other two, developing a foundational resilience is critical to with standing that which moves us into burnout.

The current system incorporates 1:1 coaching, roundtable conversations; eventually I’ll add a neuro-social learning experience (currently only available in organizational contracts but will be added to the system for individual engagement in 2021).

My approach is based on the ICF (International Coaching Federation) standards. I’m meeting you (my clients) where you are, both as the coaching agreement begins, and in the moment that exists at the time of each conversation. Progress or growth is not a straight line. The ICA model is the framework for every conversation: Issue/Insight, Choice/Commitment, Action/Accountability. Over the past year I’ve been tightening the model to meet the needs of my clients.

Holding space to support my clients in:
  • Developing meaningful insights
  • Expanding/deepening perspective on those insights
  • Building/designing a practice to try on new ways of being/seeing OR experiment for discovery
  • Assessing progress, becoming agile in transfer of learning and application before developing additional insights
An organic experience

The experience is tailored around what you bring to each conversation, in my experience, there are common themes that arise including: self-awareness, mindfulness, mindset, communication, connections, and attitude. Self-awareness stands alone but is also a foundational theme. I have registered upwards of 40 sub-concepts that fit under each of these categories. Furthermore, I bring tools, skills and techniques to respond and guide our work together, informed by positive psychology, neuroscience, and management/leadership research.

Walk With Me, to Where You Want to Be


In April 2018, I was struck by, what felt like, a call of purpose; an insight of sorts. It inspired me to shift the focus of my practice. I’m now  walking with 30 somethings. People who are at a pivotal spot in life and career. Whether THERE by age or spirit, I want to walk with people at this place in their life. This is a time in life when we are natural SEEKERS. We’re ready to do some self exploration & find the real meaning of our life? It is also a time when we are more likely to get stuck and make poor choices.

The research suggests people embrace their inner REBEL during their 20’s (the most rebellious after the toddler days in fact). If you are passive in your 20’s you will want to get curious about that too! Most of us slip quietly and comfortably though into ACCOMMODATOR in our 30’s. This documented pattern grabbed my attention and my mission was made clear. Moreover, I’m intent on resurfacing, or igniting, that inner rebel, whose perspective, now shaped with more experience, may offer insights many typically miss when insight and awareness matter most.


In June 2018 I took a course in story telling. I was intent on finding my “Big Why” to help me understand my purpose for shifting my practice. Ultimately, I landed on my story. It spans from my childhood, with a pivotal point in my early 20’s finally culminating in a significant career turning-point at the age of 37. This story revealed an unhealthy pattern while illuminating my new purpose. In fact, I feel motivated when remembering the moment of insight because this transition is difficult. Ultimately though, it adds meaning to my work. Listen below…


Feel like you’re living someone else’s destiny?



If that’s working for you, great. If it isn’t or it starts to be a problem, reach out. I welcome a conversation.


Willing to do the work to find more meaning?


With the skills to unpack the emotions and barriers and triggers and mindset challenges with the skills in my BYI system, participants begin to see the impact in their career and finally begin to discover what matters most to them. The bonus: they begin to see a path to get there. Join me…


My system is intended to be meaningful, relevant, accessible and affordable. With that in mind, there are many ways to engage with me. Below find THREE ways to get started, without spending a dime.



Walk with Me!


  • REGISTERfor an ASK ROX RoundTable… TWO LIVE  50 minute engagements available at your desk or phone – the second Tuesday and the last Friday of every month – limited to 12 participants in each and FREE in 2019.
  • BOOK a complimentary exploratory 1:1 conversation 20-30 minutes.
  • SUBSCRIBE to my mailing list from my home page, receive an interactive exercise helping you cope with stress, and a weekly reflection.

In closing, I’d love to bring my work to your team or workplace, so:

  • Book me to speak at your conference or to a group in your organization. My workshops on building resilience, improving workplace outcomes through relationships, and increasing performance are big hits!8