Episode #30: Mastering Leadership III -The Logical Innovator
Innovation may have found its legs or it may be the latest fad. I believe it's the former and that it will propel us into a new and exciting era of growth and goodness just as it has moved us in new directions whenever humankind needed to pivot. AND we ever...
Episode # 29: Mastering Leadership II–The Straightforward Diplomat
Is it possible to be too accommodating--making everyone feel good at the expense of getting anything real accomplished? You know the person who is chameleon-like, shifting with the wind. Then there is the leader who rigidly follows every rule almost blind to the...

Episode #28: Mastering the Art of Leadership I
If leadership was easy to master....well, for one thing, we'd have a whole lot less complaining around the water cooler. Leadership is an art that requires regular practice, feedback and coaching. Highly gifted, trained and booked musicians are always looking for...

Episodes #26 & 27: Leadership is Service
Leadership is Service. After preparing this two part series for ImpactBank's: the Kickass Koach (episodes 26 and 27)....I came across a CBC interview with National Chief Perry Bellegarde from Spring of 2015 (here's a link to the April 30,2015 show the interview...

Episode #25: Leadership on the Brain VI
The "flip of the bat" in the 7th spoke volumes. It's not fair! We think of children saying this and yet it is a powerful refrain within all of us. When, as a leader, you can eliminating the source of the whining, you may actually accomplish what you seek in your...

Episode #24: Leadership on the Brain V
I’m a Habs fan. I've been a Habs (Montreal Canadiens) fan since before I can remember. I believe my dad was too but he "pretended" to be a Leaf fan just so we could have a rivalry but when he talked about Jean Beliveau I knew he was secretly a Habs fan too....

Episode #23: Leadership on the Brain IV
Trust is fragile. Once broken it's hard to rebuild. What about the leader who claims to trust while every action suggests she does not? It may seem counter intuitive but the more responsibility, the broader your scope of responsibility as a leader the more you need...

Episode #22: Leadership on the Brain Part III
On December 23rd sometime in the the late 90's I recall being stuck at Logan (the international airport in Boston) waiting for a transfer to get back home after a long business trip to Jacksonville, Florida. I had just barely made it in time for my transfer at the...

Episode #21: Leadership on the Brain Part II
Throughout this series, I encourage you to consider how your brain’s reaction influences your behaviour. Key point #1: minimize the chance that you will activate the amygdala, your own and others, so you maintain the possibility of creating a climate and culture...

Episode #20: Leadership on the Brain Part 1
"Knowledge that is not able to support action is not genuine—and how unsure is activity without understanding?" Rudolf Virchow The goal for both the podcast and accompanying blog posts is to share knowledge and make it actionable. At ImpactBank we value understanding...