Brand loyalty is powered by an underlying ideal as Jim Stengel beautifully illustrates in his book “Grow”.  Your brand ideal is built on your passion so to communicate this vision you must  be clear about  who you are, what you care about, what you do about it  and how you do it.

4 Ways to Unleash Your Passion:

1.  Be Purposeful or Intentional
Knowing the impact you want to create with your brand  is just the start — an important one though!  Be intentional, or on purpose about what you offer and how you’re offering it.  If your chosen purpose comes from a place of passion your energy and enthusiasm will attract people..  Figure out how to be or reflect your purpose every day and your business will be irresistible..  Worth practicing?

2.  Be Authentic
Given it’s your passion, being authentic will fuel and energize you.  Recognize it takes discipline to live authentically.  You’re likely facing messages of who you should be as a business owner, as a manager, as a leader, as a person….and yet, while you constantly hear you’re at your best when you’re yourself, it is sometimes the hardest thing to do. Being authentic is also about being vulnerable. The discipline within you to be your authentic self and share your authentic vision will pay off. Worth being?

3. Be Creative and Open
Being creative is an authentic part of everyone.  When you’re practicing being purposeful and authentic you’re more likely to tap into your creative core.  This core allows you to share your authentic vision, build your business and make the impact you desire.  It’s the expression of the passion. By the way,  you have to be open and ready to learn and grow to find your creative voice.   Worth tapping?

4.  Be Kind
This one may seem strange.  In fact, when I looked at my notes for writing this blog I couldn’t recall what I meant by its ….when I reviewed my journal notes I was reminded about the insight.  We block our own passion and creative authentic voice with harsh personal criticism.  Whether we are judging ourselves or others, it is a barrier that will dampen our passion which will minimize our authentic voice and vision and our ability to live and work in our purpose. Be kind;  we are all worth it!

I recently heard an interview where the business leader suggested we are entering the Purpose Economy;  exciting times ahead!  Be on-Purpose and feel passionate about your life.

Written by Roxanne Bartel