Workshop System – “Investing in YOU – banking on yourself

If you are totally happy with your life and your career today – there’s no need for you to read further. BUT, you are always welcome should that ever change.

Workshop I: Resilience: it takes GRIT


Building a career and life that brings you joy and deep satisfaction, isn’t easy, but you already know that…


Building the skills that support you in your quest, isn’t easy, but you’ve already experienced that…


Building a mindset that supports your efforts and helps you remain focused, isn’t easy, but you already feel that every single day…


AND, if you haven’t figured out how to make this ALL a reality YET, that’s where this workshop system comes in.


The goal of the “Invest inYou” Workshop System is to hold space for you, in concert with others on the same quest, to create and nurture a plan that helps you build the life and career you’ve always wanted. Our approach will help you see it in your future, so you know it’s within reach and then #DoTheWork by building the skills necessary to #makeithappen.

YES, it is within reach and our system makes reaching for it affordable.

In this first workshop in the system, we’ll explore:

  • What it (resilience/grit) is and what makes it a critical part of #DoingTheWork
  • The four elements that enhance or diminish your resilience: your brain, your mindset, your conversational style and your attitude. We’ll practice specific skills to strengthen your resilience and build up your grittiness.
  • How to be more resilient immediately! You will actually leave with a plan in hand and strategies to expand the plan.

What happens after the day? It is advisable that you register for Digital Group-Coaching to support you in the first three months after the workshop while you are putting your practice or plan into action. Eventually participants will have the option of adding the digital component to their workshop up-front but for now you are encouraged to add it after the workshop. You will find more details on workshop dates, location and pricing when you click on the register now button in the section below AND always feel free to contact me directly with your questions.


Rox is a certified Coach who has also served as a Senior Performance Consultant, Executive and Leadership Development Specialist at different periods of her career. She passionately reviews the latest social science (including neuroscience) research related to human behaviour as a base to build exercises, experiments and material that become meaningful and practical learning experiences. Her references regularly include research from academics including: Ray Baumeister (Belonging), Carol Dweck, William Guillory & Marilee Adams (Mindset), Matt Lieberman, David Rock & Evian Gordon (The Social Brain), Angela Duckworth, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Daniel Pink, Pam Boney & Martin Seligman (Motivation), AND Adam Grant & Brene Browne (Human Behaviour).



Being #selfaware is a key to happiness, personal satisfaction AND success in anything. #Dothework ONLY if you are ready to invest and make your life better. If you are ready and willing, check out the upcoming workshop where you will build the skills and knowledge and receive support as you build a plan of action. Click here to learn more and register on EventBrite. Early bird and group pricing are available and if you have a code from a member of my network you will receive a  $100.00 credit.

Register early for best rates AND start taking ownership, #DoTheWork, so you can bank on yourself one new skill after another.