Action Impacts with Consequences

Action Impacts with Consequences

While taking time to cultivate insights, generate ideas and anticipate problems before taking action is critical, action is essential if change or growth is desired. We maximize our effectiveness when we approach action steps with curiosity. In the Kickass Koach...
Power in Perception

Power in Perception

Power in perception often goes unseen. We jump to the conclusions drawn from our perceptions rather than seeing clearly what formed them in the first place. Making quick, snap judgments is a learned and a very common behaviour and only when we do the work to...
Fearing the Unknowable

Fearing the Unknowable

Fearing the unknowable may paralyze and it often distorts the truth but it is part of our life experience. Developing a clear set of strategies and welcoming support to navigate the trip is the only way to accomplish that which matters most to you. While we were...
Fear: in a handful of dust

Fear: in a handful of dust

Fear: in a handful of dust speaks to our need to find purpose. How we choose to be and carry our self through life matters. In fact, being self aware, comfortable in our own skin, allows our best self to flow out in service to others, making a lasting impact. The dust...
What’s the lesson?

What’s the lesson?

What’s the lesson? It is a signature phrase for me. Being in learning mode is effortful and it requires self regulation and a deep desire to be in continuous growth but it pays off. I know that. I’ve seen it in my own life and career. Practice it with a...